Friday, September 3, 2010

Follow who? Follow you!

I'm kind of a blog junkie.  I follow about 25 blogs publicly, but I could get lost in blogs for hours and hours.  Do you know the  little side bar that a blogger uses to tell you what other blogs he or she follows?  Well I just click though those things like they're diving boards and they propel me into new and exciting blogs! 

I love blogs. 

I introducted you to The Pioneer Woman

Then I showed you two of my "fashionista" bloggers

Last week, I handed over a top secret wedding gift weapon that I have in my arsenal: The Wedding Dress Painting

This week, well I'm stumped.  I follow blogs about everything under the sun!  I have no kids, but I read blogs about parenting.  I scrapbook, so I have a couple of craft blogs and loads of photography blogs I've found.  I found some new Weight Watcher recipe blogs a few weeks ago also!  I have a huge arsenal of blogs that I could share with you, but my question is...

What do you want to see? 

Please, I'm begging you.  If you're reading this or if you follow my blog, leave me a comment and tell me what matters to you and I'll try to post a little something for everyone! 

Also, if you're reading this, you should probably know that everytime someone publicly comments or follows my blog, I make it a point to check out their blog as well.  I'll comment, follow, and post things you've written along with the rest of my daily jabber.  Don't believe me?  Just look here! 

A free flat iron?!?  Well I just had to pass that good news on to you nice people.  It's the Christian thing to do. 

So until I get some feed back about what you might want to see, I'll leave with this: 

Stacy Spacy

Here's a blogger that has just started her own journey through the 30 days of blogging.  Go on over to her site and wish her well!  Encourage her!  We all need a good comment or an "AMEN!" every once in a while, right? 

Blog happy! 



kirkus said...

hey big! i like your schedule of topics for the week...i commend you for always finding stuff to write about...keep it goin!

Laura said...

I love this blog...

Maybe you would like it too??

kippyskippy said...

Laura I love it already!!!

Tara said...

I follow the Daily Photo blogs. I love them. I feel like I travel everyday!!

Here is the one that started it all:

You can search for the different cities you want, or even start one. I was actually thinking of doing a Murrieta/Temecula one...

Laura said...

Yay! Glad you liked it ;)

Unknown said...

snaps snaps snap i enjoy ur blog!