Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 23: In the next year I'm going to...

Okay, so I suck at this.  I never make plans.  I go where life takes me.  If I want something, I usually just work really, really hard until I get it and then I pick something else to go after. 

But for this, I'm going to draw from Mrs. Sabater.  You see, on Sunday Mike and I went down to Spring Valley to see one of his oldest friends, Jon.  Jon and his wife, Trisha, have a son and on Sunday we celebrated his 1st birthday.  You can read about the food here. 

During the birthday party, Jon's mom came up to visit with me and we talked about how she was very knowledgeable about astrology.  When Jon and Mike were younger, she even predicted that Mike should wait until he was at least 20 years old to begin any serious relationships or have a girlfriend.  She told him that he should wait because the woman he meets at that time will be a very long relationship.  Well, Mike and I met at 21 years old.  She's good...

Well then she tells me that when Jon and his wife were dating, she warned them that something was passing through Trisha's sign that would make it very easy for her to get pregnant.  I don't have to explain in depth what happened next, but Lucius came about 9 months later! 

Well then she asked my birthday and the year I was born.  She told me that marriage would be probably occurr in the next 2 years and that I'm in a period of change that is to last approximately 7 years.  This would include housing changes, children, marriage, and job advancements or promotions.  Well sign me up! 

I told her that we were trying very hard not to have children, but that Mike and I had just purchased our first home and adopted a dog together.  She said all that I had left was a job promotion! 

Let's just say, I hope she's right!  I'll keep you all posted...

1 comment:

Mama Kandi said...

Whoa! I don't believe in astrology, since it's usually so general as to apply to almost anyone, but I'm crossing my fingers and eyes that she's right.