Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 14: Current fascination

This Website

I'm hooked. 

I talk about this lady like we're old friends. 

Her name is Ree.  It's almost as wierd as Kipp. 

I try to convince Mike to be a cattle farmer like Ree's husbad.  (He says no.  I shut up when he starts talking about waking up at 4am.  He wins.)

I have holey yoga pants too. 

I have a new found love for butter thanks to this lady.  (I didn't eat butter for about 5 years.)

I cook a LOT thanks to this lady. 

I have the urge to wear earrings thanks to this lady.  (I don't wear earrings unless I'm a bridesmaid and the bride hands me a pair of earrings and says "put these on" and I sulk and kick and scream.  Then I wear them and surprisingly I survive it.) 

Anyways.  That's my fascination. 

Oh yah, and she shoots a Nikon like I do.  I love her.

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