Saturday, August 14, 2010

A little scripture to start your Saturday...

I know at first glance people might always seem happy-go-lucky and energetic about life, but I've learned that I'm not necessarily one of those people.  For as far as I can remember, I'm a self-stressing person.  I place pressures and deadlines on myself, even when others don't.  For some reason I have some magical timeline in my head, and I push very hard to hold myself to it. 

Don't read that wrong: I do not place other people on my timeline.  I don't care if people graduate from college at 21 or 22.  I don't mind when people don't buy a house when they're 25.  I don't see any harm in taking life at your own pace, but for some odd reason my pace is wacky. 

So every now and then, I need a little guidance.  I need a little "umph."  It pretty much always comes from the Bible: the one book that I believe can truly change a person's life. 

This week I was looking for a verse to encourage me.  I googled "bible verses for encouragement" and here's a great one that I found:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." 
Philippians 4:6
Anxiety is my biggest enemy.  I face anxiety every day at work.  I face anxiety in the car ride to and from work.  I even face anxiety at home when I have a wonderful house, amazing and loving man, and a dog that is so cute that she can even make little cuddly babies say "awwwwwww." 

So why am I anxious?  God tells me not to be.  It's like He is saying in this verse, "Hey!  Nut job!  You need to pray more and we'll get through this."  So what's my problem? 

So here's my prayer for you (and me) this week: I pray for peace.  I need it.  You need it. 

Eat (and pray) happy,


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