Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Escrow: I have no clue what day it is!

No really.  I thought yesterday was Day 30.  My realtor thinks today is Day 30.  My heart says last week was Day 30.  All I know is that we're nearing the end of our Escrow journey friends, and I thought I'd take a moment to thank you all for coming on this little road trip with us.

About 11 months ago we started this whole shennanigan and you've all been there for one heartbreak or another.  We want to thank you for all of your support, your well wishes, your prayers, your jokes, and the household items that you have so graciously disposed of with us.  We know you're happy when your cupboards are just a little less squished, and so we're glad to take those extra things off your hands for you!


What does that mean?  That means that a little termite work needs to be done and with any luck we'll be doing our final walk through this week.  Please pray we get our keys by Friday, because then we can start the painting process and move in relatively soon.  Otherwise we'll be painting and moving in the middle of the week, and to be honest I don't do well in the middle of the week.  I cry a lot and throw tantrums.  Just ask Mike, it gets ugly.

So one last photo to get you in the painting mood.  I know many of you have seen it from facebook, but here's the shot of the "bouquet" Mike gave me for Valentine's day this year.  It was perfect.  I ooh'd.  I aah'd.  Then I handed him cufflinks.  I am a crappy girlfriend.

Love you all!

Mike & Kipp

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