Friday, February 11, 2011

Okay, fine, I'll admit it.

It's cold and flu time around these parts, and if you know me, you know that I have the worst immune system ever.  I swear, it's ridiculous. 

So when people around me got a cold, I was prepared to get a cold too. 

On Monday, I was feeling so-so and this meant that I popped in a nasal decongestant and was on my way.  By Monday evening, I was a train wreck. 

NyQuil and I had a great time together that night. 

Tuesday morning, I made an appointment with my doctor and headed over to see if she could help me out a bit.  I was not prepared for what was ahead of me. 

First, my blood pressure was low.  Super low.  Lower than my normal low. 

Next, she took one look inside of my throat and ears and said, "Oh yah, you've got tonsilitis again.  And an ear infection.

Gee, thanks doc. 

Next up, it was temperature time.  Fever around 101 degrees.  Super. 

Then, my doctor did something she rarely ever does:  she prescribed medicine.  Lots of it. 

You see, I like my doctor for the sole reason that she isn't a pill-promoting crazy woman.  She's sensible.  Want to lose weight?  No pill for that.  Want to get better quick?  Drink water and sleep. 

Not this time.  This time, she listened to my body all over and said, "If we don't nip this in the butt, it's going to get a whole lot worse.

Then came an anti histamine, a decongestant, a corticosteriod, a nasal spray, and an anti biotic.  Yup, five prescriptions. 

Then, the real shocker: An order to stay home and away from people for the next 48 hours. 


I headed back to work Thursday, and I can honestly say it was the hardest day of my life.  My brain wasn't working well.  I was dizzy due to my lovely ear infections.  My head was under water (like sinus pressure?). 

Let's just hope Friday can offer me some peace so that I can rest all day Saturday and head back to work on Sunday. 

Lysol, Love, and Airborne,


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wow, now I have to start blogging again.

Sorry I've been missing for a while.  I've been doing a little self-improvement, and as we all know, improving one's self can be a very time consuming task. 

But.  Stop the presses.  The world kept turning, and only a couple of people noticed I had slowed my blogging down.  Okay, I slowed it to a stop. 

If you noticed, I'm sorry. 

If you didn't notice, I accept your apology.  I kid.  I kid. 

But, one earth-shattering experience did happen.  I met the woman that inspires me to blog. 

I'm not kidding. 

I met her. 

In the flesh. 

Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman

Don't believe me? 

Alright fine.  I'll bust out the big guns now. 

Now let's not talk about my magic disappearing eyebrows. 

Or the fact that the person that took this picture obviously works for Barnes & Noble (because they had to frame it in the picture???  off center???). 

Or the fact that my "sorority pose" could use some work. 

Or the fact that I should have curled my hair a bit tighter that day. 

Let's talk about that gorgeous red-head in the photo with me. 

She was polite, poised, soft-spoken, and everything I could have imagined. 

I walked out of that Barnes & Noble on cloud nine that night, and I was craving a steak and suddenly wishing I had four children. 

Okay, well you can scratch that last part! 

If you haven't checked out her cookbook or her novel yet, click here and you can thank me later. 

Read, eat, and ranch happy! 
